Monday, October 15, 2007

SDI #449 Twenty Questions

20 Questions obliquely addressed with imagination, cleverness,
intelligence, and open-mindedness by Dave Furlotte, Stewart Miller,
Frank Feschino, and Alfred Lehmberg, as mined, primed, and pumped by
Errol Bruce-Knapp:

1. Whither Bob Shell? Scurrilous letch and creepy lothario who got
what he deserved? Foolish romantic in the wrong place at the wrong
time? Victim of a local government angered by his calling them to
account and involved in that conjectured conspiracy to settle dark
and arbitrary accounts vis a vis John Ford? Whither Bob Shell? Is
his dismissal so meted fair, measured, and just? Is a change of
venue in order?

2. Why are the best of us, the most forthright of us, the most
stalwart us, the bravest of us... why are persons such as this so
reluctant to credit the evil mendaciousness of local government
using the arbitrary interpretive power of an unbalanced court to
punish someone who has bested them in a financial sense -- not out of
simple spite, no, but as an example to anyone who would dare a
similar effrontery?

3. How sanguine is one Billy Cox?

4. Tin Foil Hats have legs?

5. UFOs = less conformity and more deviancy?

6. If he is not Stuart Miller, should a man with daughters be
allowed to comment on an alleged lothario?

7. Has Stanton Friedman ever been anything less than 100% consistent
with regard to his position on MJ12?

8. What does Errol Bruce-Knapp owe one Wild Bill Cooper?

9. Is ufological BS forever?

10. What is really on Linda Moulton Howe's mind, and why is she the
subject of such dismissal and abject mockery from some male
colleagues? Did Jacques Vallee once report that LMH was a target for
disinformation and other ufological distractions from officialdom?

11. Modern ufology is equivalent to professional wrestling? Dick
Hall is actually Hulk Hogan? Is SERPO a planned distraction from a
ufological reality to discredit same?

12. Is UFO UpDates centric or centrist in position? What is the
"Romance of Ufology"? Is "belief" scorned on the UFO UpDates list?

13. Can UFOs in Mexico be relegated to party balloons?

14. How did Errol Bruce-Knapp know he was looking the ISS? Is an
obvious ISS not moving, for Stuart, the ISS, actually, at all?

15. With regard to Feschino, can a substantive research activity
ever have too long an attention span?

16. Why is Stanton Friedman so interested in Frank Feschino's "Shoot
Them Down"!?

17. Did known military aircraft with highly experienced pilots crash
or vanish in the known vicinity of known UFOs?

18. Did there appear to be a deliberate subterfuge in the official
record as regards the loss of men and machines in the secret service
of the United States?

19. Did different, suspicious, and unlikely crashes result in the
death of many civilian men, women, and children on the ground as
collateral damage?

20. Did one such crash launch a full-sized and all-steel mid-century
automobile three city blocks?

Wow! Thirty-six minutes remain in the most exciting SDI yet! Woof.
Interstellar War, perhaps! It boggles the freaking mind! But that's
a good thing!

...Ufological sensibilities empowered are the listener's own! Be
responsible. Subscribe! Errol prefers the monthly button.
Don't MAKE me bring out the hypno-toad!
AVG Blog --

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