Monday, October 15, 2007

Return of the Alien Hunter!

Dark Matter: Return of the Alien Hunter!

Dark Matter welcomes back to the show UFO researcher Derrel Sims. Though known for his animated presentations laced with homespun humor, UFO researcher Derrel Sims has a serious message: some aliens are deceptive, and in pursuit of their own agenda with little regard for human casualties. In 1994, a journalist dubbed the controversial Texan "the Alien Hunter," a name that aptly characterizes Sims' pro-active approach.

Sims dates his interest in UFOs from his first encounter with "aliens" when he was only a child. He credits his fully-conscious recall of numerous abduction events with the clues he's discovered relating to his events. Though his own visitations ended violently at age 17, from 1968-71, Sims served in the army as a Senior Military Police Officer and in a top-secret capacity with the CIA.

By 1995, Sims had collected an assortment of artifacts/implants, either expelled naturally from the body or from previous surgeries, which he suspected were of extraterrestrial origin. He orchestrated the first public removal of alleged alien implants in Camarillo, California, with two surgeries, and then three more in 1996. Test results from Los Alamos Laboratory and New Mexico Institute of Technology revealed some of the objects to be "meteoric in origin" with unusual elemental composition.

Sims also discovered the phenomenon of fluorescence on UFO abductees. In some cases, a black light shined on the skin following an abduction reveals sub-dermal traces, usually of brilliant green and occasionally forming specific patterns, which Sims speculates could be a kind of alien "secretion."

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