Saturday, November 3, 2007

SDI #450 -- Twenty Questions

20 Questions addressed directly and with no trepidation by Dave
Furlotte, Don Ledger, Paul Kimball, and Alfred Lehmberg as grokked by
he who has been hyphenated, one Errol Bruce-Knapp:

1. Are UFOs anti-Science? Do UFOs expose the shortcomings of
science: its arrogance to present itself as the default abattoir or
arbiter for that which it _refuses_ to even investigate, forgetting
for a moment its double standard with regard to what _will_ stand to
be measured, allow itself to be predicted, or permit itself to be to
be repeated. Is science anti-UFO?

2. Are scientists professionally injured by contact with the

3. Is ufology a science?

4. What _are_ UFOs?

5. Whither position, tenure, and funding?

6. Is one man's "reason" another man's "belief"?

7. Do presidential aspirant Dennis Kucinich, Governor Fyfe
Symington, and our own Dave Furlotte see UFOs?

8. Why would Alfred Lehmberg buy a used car from Don Ledger?

9. What does Dr. Richard Haines say in 150 plus pages of the report
on O'Hare Incident?

10. Whither the O'Hare UFO: triangulated by 3 disparate radars and
_multiple_ witnesses?

11. Why the initial official clampdown on Airline Employees?

12. Does the ufological history of O'Hare predate the most recent
one back to the time and involvement of one Donald Keyhoe?

13. Does Paul Kimball give good radio?

14. In a Nehru jacket is Stephen Greer a ufological Benny Hinn?

15. Given the default focus of legitimate media on "nut-balls" when
there is an alternative _credible_ witness to UFOs, what does that
say with regard to said media being responsible and performing that
responsibility in a forthcoming manner?

16. What is "Best Evidence's" effect on the general consciousness
regarding UFOs, and is the ETH the default summation of same?

17. Is Paul Kimball kinder and gentler these days?

18. Dreams of Nick Pope, civil unions, and child adoption in

19. Nick Pope should be the default public face of Ufology until Mac
Tonnies defeats him in the Ufological ThunderDome!

20. Is Mac Tonnies the 21st Century's Carl Sagan?

Zounds ... 40 minutes remain where Paul suggests he sits the fence,
pays qualified respects to his Uncle Stanton, then alludes to a
ufological cabal he officiates with others, plus what makes UFOs
_fun_! ...Ufological sensibilities empowered are the listener's

Subscribe! ...Or suffer the Hypno-toad!

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