Thursday, April 1, 2010

David Rankine on Occult of Personality

In podcast episode 81, we’re joined by occult author, magician, and esoteric researcher David Rankine. “David lives and works on the Welsh borders with his wife, the author Sorita d’Este. David has been writing and contributing articles to a variety of publications, and has given lectures, workshops and presentations since the early 1980’s. His personal passions include the Qabalah, Medieval and Renaissance Magick (particularly the Grimoires), Heka (Egyptian Magick) and Thelema. Since 2003 he has been working with occult legend Stephen Skinner, co-writing and producing the highly acclaimed Sourceworks of Ceremonial Magic series. These books make available for the first time previously unpublished manuscripts and Grimoires of great significance to the development of modern magick.”

David Rankine

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