Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Marko Rodin - Vortex Based Mathematics

Marko Rodin joins us to discuss his "Vortex Based Mathematics", his system of math, the findings in his research, the Rodin Coil and the obstacles and difficulties promoting the research. Topics Discussed: Toroids, Magnetic Fields, Torso, Coils, Energy, Manifolds, Prime numbers, Numerology, Decimal System, What is the Rodin Coil? Underpinning Nested Vortices, Genetics, IBEX, Markos contact with people within defence and genetics/medicine, Marko's "strange encounter" with Jonas Salk, Words and "Breadcrumbs" or "Hints" and much more.
We continue discussion with Marko Rodin in our Subscriber Section and talk more about Genetics, DNA, Disease, Spirituality, Quantum Mechanics and the Nine, Ennead and Enneagram.

Red Ice Creations Radio - Marko Rodin - Vortex Based Mathematics

1 comment:

Jamie Buturff said...

I have built a 3-D version of Marko Rodin's Enneagram and put the video on YouTube here -->