Monday, November 12, 2007

Through The Keyhole Guest Elaine Douglas

Today's interview was pre-recorded, so we will be unable to take your questions during the show. Rich and I will be at the Crash Retrieval Conference in Las Vegas, where we will both be presenting.

Elaine Douglass is the State Director for MUFON in Utah, and has published several articles in the Journal of Abduction Research. She holds a Master's Degree from MIT in military policy, and in the 1990's she was an organizer for Operation Right to Know, a group which sponsored public protests against UFO secrecy. Elaine will talk about her work with abductees over the years, and what she has learned about the motives of the abductors as well as what she thinks we can and should do to stop the abductions altogether.

UFO Paranormal radio network

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