Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Stewart Swerdlow - Montauk Project & Mind-Control

Stewart Swerdlow joins us for an excellent program to talk about the Montauk Project, Mind-Control and his new book "13 Cubed - Case Studies in Mind-Control & Programming". Topics Discussed: What is the Montauk Project?, Roswell Incident Created? The Cold War, Soviet Threat, Montauk Sage Radar Station, Stewarts Family Connections to Soviet Russia, Mind Control headed by German US and Soviet, Why Project crashed in 1983, Alien Chair to Create Matter, Hyperspace Work? Adrenochrome, NSA, We come in Peace, Who is behind is the Experiments, 13 Cubed - Case Studies in Mind-Control & Programming, Cell Towers, Satellite Transmissions?, and much more.

Red Ice Creations Radio - Stewart Swerdlow - Montauk Project & Mind-Control

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