Friday, November 2, 2007

Robert Bruce on the Astral

Dreamland This Week: Robert Bruce on the Astral

Whitley Strieber interviews Robert Bruce this week on Dreamland. Robert has been with us many times before, because, as Whitley says, 'he's the real deal.'

Shortly after his first interview with Robert in 2002, Whitley experienced a bizarre psychic attack. Robert was able to help him, and their discussion of this is illuminating and very surprising.

Robert talks about his own experiences and his powerful new program that enables many of his students to achieve levels of proficiency that are quite amazing.

Last week, our subscribers were treated to a terrific live chat with Robert Bruce, one of the best we've ever seen in our chat room.

In the chat, Robert said this: "OBE can most definitely be learned and developed. You are not limited to this realm, as there are methods that can be used to shift into astral realms. Your energy body development, and spiritual development, are the only limiting factors."

Listen to Dreamland to find out more. To listen, go to and click on "Listen Now" on the right side of our masthead any time after 3PM Saturday.

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