Saturday, November 24, 2007

John Major Jenkins - Galactic Alignment 2012 & Mayan Cosmology

Author and Researcher John Major Jenkins joins us to discuss Mayan Cosmology, The Galactic Alignment, 2012 & The Mayan Calendar. Topics Discussed: How John's Interest in the Mayan Calendar began, Mexico Mystique, Frank Waters, Hopi Documentary The Fifth Gate, Precession, the 26 000 Year Cycle (The Great Year), Hamlets Mill, Terrence McKenna (Invisible Landscape), the Milky Way & the Dark Rifts, Xibalba, The Mayan Ball Game, Chichen Itza (Kukulca), Tzab, Pleiades, The Significance of Sacrifice & Our World Today, Prophecy, 2012, The End of Time, Technology, and much more.
Red Ice Creations Radio - John Major Jenkins - Galactic Alignment 2012 & Mayan Cosmology

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