Sunday, November 4, 2007

Danny Hennigar on BOA Audio

BoA : Audio revisits our Summer expedition as Danny Hennigar joins BoA : Audio to discuss the Oak Island Mystery. We are going to explore this over 200 year old esoteric landmark, including how it all started, how it has evolved over the years, the popular theories as to what is at the bottom of the Oak Island Money Pit, the famous Oak Island side stories like the death of Robert Restall, Nolan's Cross, and Borehole 10x. Plus we are going to find out the latest news on what is going on @ Oak Island today. And, of course, tons and tons more. This is a richly detailed edition of BoA : Audio, covering an often over-looked realm of esoterica: Oak Island.

Full Preview : We begin by finding out a little bit about Danny Hennigar and how he became interested and involved in the Oak Island Mystery. Digging into the Oak Island story, we start at the beginning, in 1795, and bring newcomers up to speed on how the Money Pit was originally discovered. We go over a number of the prevalent theories as to what is contained at the bottom of the Money Pit, ranging from ridiculous to serious.

We then discuss what made Oak Island stand out amongst the 300 other islands in Mahone Bay and why it may have been chosen for a hidden treasure. Danny explains how the ownership of the Island has changed over the years, from the original method of land distribution to present times when there are exclusive owners of the island. We talk about some of the rivalries on Oak Island amongst the treasure hunters.

From there, we discuss how the evolution of the Oak Island story, from localized lore in Eastern Canada to international phenomenon. We go over some of the key stumbling blocks that have stymied treasure hunters from getting to the bottom of the Money Pit, including the infamous water shaft that has thwarted treasure hunters for generations.

Next we discuss one of the most famous stories of Oak Island, the tragic death of Robert Restall and three others while searching for the treasure. This leads to a discussion on the old legend of Oak Island that states "Seven people must die and all Oak Trees removed before the treasure will be revealed". Danny tells us about some of the other digging expeditions that have gone on at Oak Island, most notably Borehole 10x, which has a rich history all its own. Danny details the infamous incident where treasure hunters sent cameras into Borehole 10x and came back with some startling images.

Looking at another mystery on Oak Island, Danny tells us about "Nolan's Cross", a massive cross of boulders that overlays the island. From there, Danny shares some of the paranormal stories from Oak Island that get lost in the shadow of the Money Pit mystery.

Danny explains how the creation of the Oak Island Tourism Society came about and the long term goals of the OITS. We talk about the evolution of Oak Island as tourist attraction, Danny shares some stories from the touring years of 1973 to 1995, and why the tour system shut down.

We get the latest news on what is going on at Oak Island, including a lot of info on the recent purchase of the island, the status on the treasure hunt resurrection, and where thing seem to be headed in the near and future. We discuss the big buzz of the most recent Explore Oak Island Days, "ground freeze technique" as means to hunt the treasure, and what some of the latest theories are on what is best to obtain the treasure.

Wrapping it up, Danny tells us about his book "The Oak Island Code", a parody about the Oak Island Mystery, we speculate on whether tours will continue at Oak Island once the treasure hunt resumes and Danny's teases some info on next year's Explore Oak Island Days.

binnall of america : audio

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