Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Zecharia Sitchin on The Hilly Rose Show

Popular author and scholar Zecharia Sitchin talks about the culmination of his book series The Earth Chronicles. He shows that what happened in the 21st Century B.C.E. repeats intself in the 21st Century A.D. Sitchin says that the first atomic explosion was not in 1945, but rather in ancient times, and that it wiped out at least 25 cities and destroyed the Sumerian civilization. He tells of the true purpose of the Tower of Babel and also discusses the Nazca plain of South America. He explains why Jersualem is so important to the peoples of the world. And finally, he talks about the End Times and gives precise figures as to when they may begin.
The Hilly Rose Show on Fatemag.com

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