Thursday, October 25, 2007

Lynn Marzulli - Nephilim, Biblical Prophecy & The Supernatural

Author Lynn Marzulli Joins us to Discuss his Nephilim Triology, His Latest Book "Politics, Prophecy & the Supernatural" and Recent Developments in the Middle East and Elsewhere. Topics Discussed: UFO Sighting in 1962 as a Boy Scout, Phoenix Lights, The Mayor and the Alien Costume, Paul Hellyer Former Canadian Prime Minister Bases on Moon, UFO Sighting, Background story on the Fatima Apparition, The Luciferian Dialectic, Mount Hermon 33 Degrees and the Roswell Crash, Rebuilding of Babylon, Hashemite, The Ottoman Empire, King of Jordan as the Antichrist? The Rebuild of a Temple on the Temple Mount, Paul O'Neil: Bush Sought Way To Invade Iraq 8 months before 9/11, Plan or Prophecy, The Occupants of UFO's, ET or Fallen Angels? The US is rebuilding Babylon, Mount Hermon, the Grey Aliens as Bioengineered Robots, Clone Suits, Possession and much more.
Red Ice Creations Radio - Lynn Marzulli - Nephilim, Biblical Prophecy & The Supernatural

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