Sunday, October 21, 2007

Jim Marrs on the season premier of BOA Audio

For the third year in a row, BoA : Audio kicks off its new season with legendary esoteric researcher Jim Marrs. This time around the bend, we'll be discussing Psi Spies, which was re-released this past Summer with a wealth of new material. In our conversation, we discuss the US Army Remote Viewing program, its birth, evolution, and demise. We delve into the weirder elements, like international Psi spy confrontations, the Enigma files, the curious case of Phobos II, and how the UFO phenomenon fits into the Psi Spy story. We'll also discuss the controversy within the RV community, once the Psi Spy unit disbanded, and how the field has changed since moving into the private sector. Plus, thoughts from Jim on the past year in Ufology & the 911 Movement, and, of course, tons and tons more.

Full Preview : We begin by finding out what drove Jim to re-visit Psi Spies and release an updated and expanded edition. He shares the strange journey of the original version of Psi Spies, gives a thumbnail look at what Remote Viewing is. From there, we discuss how the creation of the goverment programs was an aditudinal change with regards to Remote Viewing, in that the primary goal was to use it and refine it versus trying to prove or figure out how it works. Jim tells us his theory on how remote viewing works.

We then talk about the Russian v. US element to the growth of the Spi Spy until which segues into some riveting stories of US psi spies coming across Russian psi spies while both groups were remote viewing. Jim explains how the remote viewers could "see" each other while viewing and uses it to give some insight into how the "view" comes across to the viewer.

From there, we discuss the collapse of the official Psi Spies unit and what some of the factors were in causing its demise. We talk about signs that there are still remote viewers embedded in the military, based on elements found in the creation of the Psi Spies unit. This leads to the story of the Phobos II craft and its failed mission, which was remote viewed and then possibly validated by Russian scientists.

Jim gives us his take on where Remote Viewing has gone in the last seven years since the original publication of Psi Spies and the public revealing of the Psi Spy unit. We discuss the 400 pound gorilla in the room of Remote Viewing : Ed Dames. Jim gives his best advice on what someone should do if they are interested in trying remote viewing.

Catching up from our Season Premiere last year, we get Jim's take on the past year in the world of Ufology, what story has peaked his interest the most, and what he sees as a trend developing. We also get his perspective on the last year in the 911 Truth Movement and where he sees that field headed in the future.

Wrapping it up, we get some details on Jim's next book, including the title and when we can expect to get our hands on it.

binnall of america : audio

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