Friday, October 12, 2007

Jim Marrs Interviews Jesse Marcel Jr. on Dreamland

This Saturday on Dreamland

Alien Agenda author and conspiracy master Jim Marrs interviews Jesse Marcel, Jr. as he has NEVER been interviewed before! As the only program in the world with interviewers who are also experts in their fields, we can say without reservation that you are going to hear the finest interview that Jesse has ever done.

Jesse Marcel, Jr. is the son of Colonel Jesse Marcel, who first collected the debris from the July, 1947 Roswell UFO crash. Jesse actually saw this material on the night it was found, and he describes this experience as well as his long struggle to bring out the truth.

Find out if Jesse thinks ANY of the government stories are true. Listen as Jim and Jesse discuss the contents of the Remy telegram, and Jesse tells us his thoughts on what the government was REALLY doing and thinking as the Roswell debris was moved to Wright Field.

Jim Marrs and Jesse Marcel, Jr. Where else but on Dreamland?

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