Monday, September 24, 2007

Richard Dolan: The X-Conference and the Future of Exopolitics

Guest: Richard Dolan

What is exopolitics? If you believe in UFOs, and you believe that extraterrestrial life forms have traveled to Earth, then the next step is to agree on a policy for interacting with them. That's the focus of the X-Conference, which was held last week in Gaithersburg, MD, just outside our nation's capitol. The conference culminated in a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington DC.

Rich and I attended, and Rich brought the house down with his presentation, titled "The Revolution Has Not Been Televised."
(DVDs of this 90-minute presentation are available for purchase at $20 each -- send me an e-mail). Today we'll talk about political activist Steve Bassett's concept behind the conference, which also includes pushing for government disclosure of hidden information concerning extraterrestrial or alien life and technology.

Conference speakers from around the globe, including Nick Pope, former member of the U.K.'s Ministry of Defense; Australian Michael Salla, Ph.D.; Italian journalist Paola Harris; Gildas Bourdais of France; Jaime Maussan of Mexico; Antonio Huneeus of Chile; Canadians Alfred Webre and Paul Kimball; and Americans Daniel Sheehan, Dr. Bruce Maccabee, and Dr. Steven Greer, made this a truly worldwide appeal to the American government to take this issue seriously and to end the era of secrecy.

UFO Paranormal radio network

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