Thursday, September 20, 2007

Michael Tsarion - The Post Human World

Michael Tsarion Return to Red Ice Creations Radio to Discuss the Post Human World, The Future of Mankind, Transhumanism. Topics Discussed: 2012, The End of the World, New Technology, Science, Drugs, SSRI's and the "Removing" of Suffering, The Technotopia, The New Man, Spiritual Aspect of Man, The Cyborgs, Man-Machine Symbiosis, The Technological Singularity, Biotech, Genomics, The Vulcans, Craig J Venter, The Human Genome Project, Aubrey de Grey, Longevity, Artificial Intelligence, The Templar's, Eternal Life and the Quest for the "Holy Grail", Methusala, Symbolism, The Archon's and much, much more.
Red Ice Creations Radio - Michael Tsarion - The Post Human World

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